


PURENEW, found in 2018, is the simple fusion of “pure” and “renew,” two ordinary words which powerfully form the basis of a brand aiming to elevate your health and beauty-from-within to extraordinary heights.

PURENEW is a symbol of wholeness, well-being, and lasting beauty. We believe in the power of whole foods, and that the premium quality nutrients your body needs can be found from nowhere else.

NMN Everlasting Youth Formula 鑽石凍齡煥膚配方
  • 超過99%的高純度結合專利成分 Uthever™ NMN 和美國專利水解技術BioCell Collagen®骨膠原精華調配而成
  • 延緩衰老、激活皮膚細胞生長、改善睡眠質素
  • 每粒含250mg NMN,每日1次,每次1包​ ,每次1包​請在早上餐後服用,效果更佳
BEAUTY Refine Whitening Essence 亮白嫩肌精華​增潤煥髮配方
  • 集合超強抗氧化物 葡萄籽(原花青素OPC)、兒茶素、益多酚(EGCG)以及多種維他命和礦物質
  • 增加皮膚彈性、延緩衰老、美白淡斑、抗皺收細毛孔、美白淡斑​、改善膚質、強韌髮絲​
  • 每日1次,每次1包。請在餐後服用,效果更佳
SLIMMING Fat and Carb Burner 助燃減脂瘦身組合隔油截醣配方
  • 由專業人員特選有臨床實證的Phase2®天然白腎豆精華和Svetol® 綠咖啡豆精華,有效阻隔油分和碳水化合物吸收,同時加快身體燃燒脂肪
  • 吸油+截醣、燃脂(無咖啡因、無副作用)
  • 每日1-2次,每次1包。餐前30分鐘服用。建議配合適量運動及均衡飲食餐單,以達致最佳效果